Epiphany of Our Lord
Epiphany of Our Lord January 5th Readings: The Epiphany of the Lord | USCCB Epiphany: the word literally means an appearance or manifestation, and typically refers to the appearance of a divine being. For Christians, the Feast of the Epiphany closes out the “Twelve Days of Christmas” and as part of the annual commemoration of the Nativity of our Lord, celebrates the appearance of the Son of God who was incarnate in the person of Jesus, taking on our humanity so that we might know God in a very personal and intimate way. Today’s Gospel reading recounts the familiar story of the magi from the east, who have followed a star since its rising and come to Jerusalem looking for the newborn King of the Jews. Although the religious experts whom Herod consults correctly identify Bethlehem as the birthplace of the one who is to shepherd the people of Israel, it is only the magi who continue on to find the child with his mother, and to give him homage. The irony here is that the magi were “foreigners,” “outsiders,” those we might least expect to be interested in or open to the appearance of the newborn king of […]