Positive COVID Test

All students, faculty, and staff are strongly encouraged to be up-to-date with the CDC's COVID-19 vaccination recommendations.

Students and employees who test positive for COVID-19 are expected to follow CDC guidance.

If you test positive for COVID, you may return to normal activities when,

  • for at least 24 hours, symptoms are improving overall, and
  • if a fever was present, it has been gone without use of a fever-reducing medication

Once you resume normal activities, for the next 5 days you are encouraged to take additional prevention strategies such as, 

  • wearing a well-fitting mask
  • keeping a distance from others
  • washing hands often
  • and/or getting tested for respiratory viruses

COVID Questions

Get answers to COVID-19 questions, Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. (651) 962-6750.