
Program Overview

Nutrition studies the nutrients in food and the influence food intake has on an individual's well-being. Nutrition uses knowledge about the relationship among eating patterns, health, and disease to promote well-being among diverse populations.

You will learn about nutrition and how a balanced diet supports well-being throughout life. Additionally, you will develop skills to critically evaluate and navigate nutrition information for both personal and professional use.

Career Paths

  • Nutritionist
  • Health Coach
  • Clinical Dietitian
  • Sport Nutritionist
  • Food Service Manager
  • Public Health Nutritionist

Quick Facts

  • Careers in nutrition are projected to grow 8% over the next 10 years.
  • Pursuing the field of health and nutrition will enable you to help others achieve wellness and reduce chronic disease.

Major in Nutrition (B.S.)

Required major courses (26 credits):

NUTR 245: Introduction to Nutrition (4 credits)

NUTR 260: Introduction to Food Science (4 credits)

NUTR 360: Sports Nutrition (4 credits)

NUTR 460: Food & Nutrition Communication (4 credits)

NUTR 310: Nutrition Internship (2 credits)

EXSC 213: Human Anatomy with lab (4 credits)

EXSC 214: Human Physiology + lab (4 credits)

Elective Courses (from PUBH, HLTH, or EXSC): (12 credits) (all 200 or above)

HLTH 250: Personal Health and Wellness (4 credits)

PUBH 200: Emerging Disease and Global Health (4 credits)

HLTH 420: Lifestyle Change & Health Promotion (4 credits)

HLTH 430: Worksite Health Promotion (4 credits)

EXSC 240: Medical Terminology (2 credits)


Allied Requirements (from CHEM, BIOL, PSYCH, STAT): (40 credits) (24 at 200 or above)

CHEM 111: General Chemistry 1 + lab (4 credits)

CHEM 112: General Chemistry 2 + lab (4 credits)

CHEM 201: Organic Chemistry 1 + lab (4 credits)

BIOL 105: Human Biology + lab (4 credits) OR BIOL 207: Genetics Ecology Evolution (4 credits)

BIOL 208: Biological Communication & Energetics(4 credits)

*BIOL 209: Biology of Sustainability(4 credits)

BIOL 256: Foundations of Microbiology & Health + lab (4 credits)

*BIOL 340: Principles of Biochemistry (4 credits)

PSYC 111: General Psychology (4 credits)

DASC 120: Introduction to Computational Statistics + lab (4 credits)


*Most students will need BIOL 240 for their biochemistry. Those planning to apply to non-dietetic/healthcare graduate programs (such as nutritional science or food science) may need to take CHEM 440: Biochemistry with lab. If so, they will need to take CHEM 202 instead of BIOL 209.

Minor in Nutrition

The purpose of the nutrition minor is to provide students an opportunity to further study the area of nutrition. This minor includes opportunities for students to apply knowledge of nutrient metabolism, functions, food sources and physiological systems, to communicate behaviors that align with healthy eating patterns and meet nutrient requirements for different stages and diverse populations, and to critically evaluate nutrition-related information.

All students must take:

  • NUTR 245: Introduction to Nutrition (4 credits)
  • NUTR 260: Introduction to Food Science (4 credits)
  • NUTR 360: Sports Nutrition (4 credits)
  • NUTR 460: Food & Nutrition Seminar (4 credits)

Nutrition Undergraduate Courses
