Lewtak Pipe Organ


Lewtak Organ Lewtak Organ

Lewtak Organ at St. John Vianney Seminary

Lewtak Organ at St. John Vianney Seminary

Builders installing Lewtak pipe organ

Pipeline to Heaven

The new chapel of Saint John Vianney College Seminary (SJV) at the University of St. Thomas is scaling new heights in beauty since its recent pipe organ installation. Lewtak Pipe Organ Builders, Inc. completed the project Nov. 22, marking the official completion of the chapel which was dedicated by Archbishop Hebda on April 20.

Read more about the Lewtak Pipe Organ


  • Grand Orgue (I)
  • Recit Expressif (II)
  • Pedal
  • Grand Orgue (I)

    Montre 8'
    Bourdon 8'
    Prestant 4'
    Octavin 2'
    Plein Jeu III 8'
    Coupler Recit – Grand Orgue


    Recit Expressif (II)

    Cor de Nuit 8'
    Viole de Gambe 8'
    Voix Celeste 8'
    Flûte Octaviante 4'
    Nasart 2 2/3’
    Flageolet 2'
    Tierce 1 3/5’ (tc)
    Tremblant doux


    Soubasse 16'
    Basse 8'

    Coupler Grand Orgue – Pedal
    Coupler Recit – Pedal

    Manual keyboard compass: C – a’’’ (58 notes)

    • Pedal keyboard compass: C – g’ (32 notes)
    • Mechanical key action, self-regulating for seasonal changes
    • Mechanical stop action

    Grand Orgue (I)

    Grand Orgue (I)

    Montre 8'
    Bourdon 8'
    Prestant 4'
    Octavin 2'
    Plein Jeu III 8'
    Coupler Recit – Grand Orgue


    Recit Expressif (II)

    Recit Expressif (II)

    Cor de Nuit 8'
    Viole de Gambe 8'
    Voix Celeste 8'
    Flûte Octaviante 4'
    Nasart 2 2/3’
    Flageolet 2'
    Tierce 1 3/5’ (tc)
    Tremblant doux



    Soubasse 16'
    Basse 8'

    Coupler Grand Orgue – Pedal
    Coupler Recit – Pedal

    Manual keyboard compass: C – a’’’ (58 notes)

    • Pedal keyboard compass: C – g’ (32 notes)
    • Mechanical key action, self-regulating for seasonal changes
    • Mechanical stop action