About the Art

Documentation of the Sacred Arts Festival Committee Collection of Art was assembled with information provided by Dr. James Callahan, Dr. Shelly Nordtorp-Madson, and Dr. Mark Stansbury-O'Donnell.

Some of the pieces in this group were included in the acquisition record of the general art collection at the University of St. Thomas before that program was suspended. In these cases, a copy of the appropriate entry has been included in this record.

I have viewed each piece in this collection, taking photographs sufficient for identification and basic documentation of the work. Notes on condition and location of each piece are accurate as of July 2004. This is a preliminary work intended to provide a tool for future research and use of the collection.

I would like to express appreciation to the Sacred Arts Festival Committee for acquiring this beautiful and diverse collection for the University of St. Thomas.

Prepared by Susan Clayton
July 2004