Angel Paucar portrait

Angel Paucar

University of St. Thomas Senior, Mechanical Engineering major

Hello! I am a senior majoring in mechanical engineering at the University of St. Thomas. During my time at the prestigious university, I have been a part of many clubs and organizations on campus that have helped share and increase awareness of the idea of diversity in the universities. Some of these clubs/organizations are HOLA (Hispanic Organization of Latino Awareness) and SHPE-UST (Society of Hispanic Professional Engineering). With the different skills gained, such as new organization and communication tactics from these clubs, I used that knowledge in this YPAR project. This research has helped me be more aware of first-generation college and high school students and learn different ways to help them. As a first-generation student, it was time for me to try to help others that are and have been in the same boat as I in terms of applying for scholarships or surviving the first year of school.

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