Contact and Reporting Information

To submit Online and Anonymous Reports, click “Report an Incident.”

This form may be completed by any member of the University of St. Thomas community who has experienced, witnessed, or learned of suspected sexual assault, dating, and domestic violence, stalking, or sexual harassment on campus.

Staff and Faculty members can use this form to fulfill their reporting requirements under the Sexual Misconduct Policy to notify the Title IX Coordinator of suspected sexual misconduct or child abuse, however, they must identify themselves and cannot remain anonymous.

If the identity of the reporting party is provided below, the University of St. Thomas will follow up directly with them. As appropriate, we will offer supportive measures and will discuss the process options available under the Sexual Misconduct Policy.

Choosing to Remain Anonymous

Filing an anonymous form will not result in a formal investigation unless the person making the report chooses to make their identity known to an Official with Authority. For more information about what will happen after filing an anonymous report, see the Questions and Answers section below.

Individuals who have experienced sexual misconduct are encouraged to report to the Title IX Coordinator, to the police, and/or to seek confidential support. Whether or not a person chooses to report, we want to ensure you are safe in your situation. See the “Can I access support resources without having to formally report to the University of St. Thomas?” section below for more information about the support resources available.