Taxation and Distributive Justice

Murphy Summer Series Thumbnail

Featuring Dr. Robert Kennedy, Department of Catholic Studies

Date & Time:

Thursday, July 9, 2020
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM


Free and open to the public





Our system of taxation is very complicated because we ask it to do much more than provide revenue in support of government. This session will consider the meanings of distributive justice and whether the system of taxation serves or fails to serve its objectives.

Registration is required.  A link to join the program will be emailed to the address provided with registration at 10:00am CST on July 9.



Robert G Kennedy is professor and former chair of the Department of Catholic Studies at the University of St Thomas (MN), where he was also for many years a professor in the Department of Management. He is the author of a number of essays, book reviews and articles on a variety of topics, such as professionalism, business ethics, military ethics and just war theory, ethical investment, and a variety of issues related to culture, public life and the Catholic social tradition. He is a named contributor to “A Reflection on the Vocation of the Business Leader,” a document published in 2012 by the Pontifical Council on Justice and Peace. His book, The Good that Business Does, was published by the Acton Institute in 2006, and translated into Italian in 2014. His most recent book, Justice in Taxation, was published in 2018.


Before joining the faculty at St Thomas in 1988, Prof Kennedy worked in business and in non-profit management. He has served on the governing board of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, as well as other non-profit boards, and has represented the bishops of Minnesota on the board of the Joint Religious Legislative Coalition.


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